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Recent content by uranyumx

  1. U

    Raw Data Parsing in STM32Cube IDE

    Hello, I need to parse a raw data that I receive UART3 interface. Then, I will send to a PC to show results in serial monitor. Before implementing in the microcontroller, I tested my approach in a C compiler. A sample raw data in the buffer array and here is C code to do this job: #include...
  2. U

    USB Not Recognized

    After fixing the GND connection, I saw the USB-UART bridge IC name. Then I successfully downloaded it. Now I will try to upload the firmware. 1712952702 The battery voltage is 3.7V (represents with Bat+)
  3. U

    USB Not Recognized

    I see, let me check it. All right, let me try to flash the firmware of the microcontroller.
  4. U

    USB Not Recognized

    Thank you @KlausST ! I fixed the GND connection with a jumper wire. Are the power supply capacitors critical? Why are the both two LEDs keeping the lights ON?
  5. U

    USB Not Recognized

    I have USB-UART bridge as well for programming the microcontroller. I expect "Power ON" LED is ON only.
  6. U

    USB Not Recognized

    Hello, On my custom designed PCB, there is a USB port for battery charging and programming ESP32 microcontroller. When I plug in to the PC, I get "USB Not recognized" message. In addition, the two LEDs are light up. In the datasheet of the charger IC (STBC08), it says there is "not enough...
  7. U

    Continuous Data Recording

    Hello, On my custom design PCB, I record analog data through emStat pico module. The controller on my board is STM32F4. Current problem is that the sensor keeps reading data whenever I run again the system. Based on the C application manual of the sensor...
  8. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    Thank you @Aussie Susan and @KlausST Here is my updated code to try reading CHIPID, but I am not sure that reading registers show correct result. write_buf[0] = SPICMD_READREG; write_buf[1] = 0x04; // myAddrH // Write CHIPID register write_buf[2] = 0x04; // myAddrL // Write CHIPID...
  9. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    Sorry for that, I updated the code with adding explanation. My target is that reading data from the register. Now I got certain values which were 0x1 in read_buf[0] but I am not sure whether this value is correct or not. uint8_t addr = 0x6D; // Specifies read transaction. SPICMD_READREG...
  10. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    So are the first three bytes values in the read_buf correct?
  11. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    Now, I tested third step in the datasheet of AD5940, then I get this results: ... int main(){ uint8_t addr = 0x6D; uint8_t dummy = 0xCD; HAL_GPIO_WritePin(SPI3_CS_GPIO_Port, SPI3_CS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi3, (uint8_t *)&addr, 1, 100); HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi3...
  12. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    I modified a little more with declaring myAddrH with random values, ... /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ const uint8_t SPICMD_SETADDR = 0x20; const uint8_t SPICMD_READREG = 0x6D; const uint8_t SPICMD_WRITEREG = 0x2D; /* USER CODE END PV */ ... int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ char...
  13. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    Now I minimized the errors with declaring Wbuf and Rbuf as char type. Now I got errors from myAddrH. What should be its declaration?
  14. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    I got these errors:
  15. U

    STM32 Interfacing with AD5940

    Thank you for your comments! What should be declaration of the myAddrH and myAddrL?

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