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Recent content by hssn601

  1. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Re: Connecting temperature sensor on i2c c18 and ccs here is my code and uc is just sending FF #include<24F16KA102.h> #device ADC=10 #FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer #FUSES NOWRTB //Boot block not write protected #FUSES NOBSS //No...
  2. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Re: Connecting temperature sensor on i2c c18 and ccs and what about I2C1_Write(0x00); // send data (data to be written) I2C1_Write(0x00); actually i am using i2c first time thats why asking silly questions.
  3. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Re: Connecting temperature sensor on i2c c18 and ccs ok i got it - - - Updated - - - i didnt get why you have writien these lines twice RHL = I2C1_Read(1); // Read the data (acknowledge) RHH = I2C1_Read(1); // Read the data (acknowledge) I2C1_Write(0x00);
  4. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Re: Connecting temperature sensor on i2c c18 and ccs i am using pic 24F16KA102 with ccs compailer here is my code: #include<24F16KA102.h> #device ADC=10 #FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer #FUSES NOWRTB //Boot block not write protected #FUSES NOBSS...
  5. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Re: Connecting temperature sensor on i2c c18 and ccs why you have readed rhl and rhh twice. RHL = I2C1_Rd(1); // Read the data (acknowledge) RHH = I2C1_Rd(1); // Read the data (acknowledge) and send I2C1_Wr(0x00); // send data (data to be written) I2C1_Wr(0x00); twice
  6. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Re: Connecting temperature sensor on i2c c18 and ccs ok i got it actually i am using i2c 1st time can you tell me what clock settings i have to use. thanks
  7. H

    [PIC] Code to read temperature problem

    Hi All, i have developed a code to read temperature but its not working please help to correct it. Sensor Model:am2315 Sensor info: #include <18f4525.h> #include <stdlib.h> #fuses INTRC_IO, NOWDT, PUT , BROWNOUT, NOLVP, NOPROTECT, NOMCLR #use delay(clock=8000000)...
  8. H

    Simple Java Help Required

    I want to get data from textfield and copmare and if user enters yes than stores it in string a else stores it in string b here is my code .. package org.hsn.tut; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class TextFieldDemo extends Applet{ public void init(){ TextField...
  9. H

    Help a simple question regarding thermodynamics

    An engineer claims, with some thermodynamic analysis, that if the proposed construction site of a Nuclear power plant is changed from one city to another, Plant efficiency will increase (cost of construction and everything else is same). Does change of city has to do anything with thermodynamic...
  10. H

    c code for PWM generation using 16f877a :

    50% duty cycle #include <16F877.h> #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT #use delay(clock=11MHZ) #bit a=6.0 main() { set_tris_a(0b00000000); while(1) { a=1; delay_ms(500); a=0; delay_ms(500); } }
  11. H

    Amplifier 2 x 100W of own construction

    yes if u want to share circuit diagram than please share... i want to make an amplifier for my car..thankss
  12. H

    Low pass filter with cutoff 40hz

    ohh solved :)
  13. H

    Low pass filter with cutoff 40hz

    i need a simple lc or rc lowpass filter with cutoff 40hz for my sub woofer .. kindly help . thanks.
  14. H

    Wireless Sensor Network

    thanks all now i have a look at material
  15. H

    Wireless Sensor Network

    i want to learn about Wireless Sensor Networks 1.what they are they work 3.algorithms etc etc i want help from where should i start?? kindly help Thanks

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