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Got it to work.
On the schem theres a 1mH choke in the vcc line to the logic chip, and the delay line 180r resistor is connected to vcc not gnd, this provides a pulse through the transistor triggering the timer for an intial tonebusrt on power up.
When the timer triggers about 40uS of 4,43 mhz...
Not having a good supply of Ic's plus this not lending itself to breadboarding due to high freq's I decided to sim this on Lt spice.
Noise is a problem hence the lowpass C across the amplifier transistor, however the circuit seems to work.
Instead of a 'delay line' I went with a transmission...
I threw the following circuit together.
The waveforms this makes are the same as my 'scope pic above.
The circuit is just a bunch of gain and 180 degree phase inversion across the delay line.
I didnt expect the waveform to look like it does, a 21.3uS toneburst of 4.43mc and the start...
Yep it's glass, and acoustic.
Both transducers have 2 separate leadouts.
I created a delay memory, it's not oscillating, fiddling and touching the amp section creates a data 'word' and this then cycles through the line over and over.
I wanted one 20us or so burst to recirculate through the line...
The delay line stores 1 video line at 1/15.625 kc yes.
The lines piezo transducers don't respond to 15.625kc, seems peak response is 4.43mc colourburst freq.
So the xtal oscillator provides the 4.43 tones, and the nand configured as an inverter is needed to give correct polarity pulses, due to...
Instead of drinking eggnog I decided to breadboard a project I attempted a while back.
An oscillator based on a Tv delay line, I saw something similar in a 80's electronics mag (now lost).
A continuous osc running at 4.43 mhz colour burst frequency is gated into a delay line, feedback from the...
I know this is starting to get off topic.
Looking at the github pschatzmann/ESP32-A2DP library, the esp32 can be used as a A2DP sink with metadata support, so I cam implement a bluetooth audio player that also has data such as playback time etc, and a flag for playing / not playing, so I can use...
Well this method doesnt work, the ir remote works but the idea does not.
Android phones are inconsistent when playing bluetooth audio, sometimes on connection to bluetooth they'll auto play on connect, others they need pause sending once, others twice, I dont see a way an arduino can power up a...
I'm having weird things happen, probably phone software issues.
The bluetooth audio player powers up, so does the arduino, the latter waits 2 seconds for the player to boot, sends the mode command to put it in bluetooth mode, waits 5 seconds for bluetooth to connect then sends the play/pause...
Sussed it.
The spec for Nec says 8 bit data and 8 bit address, however the raw data has 32 bits. Turns out the remote sends the command inverted then again non inverted, same with the address.
I extrapolated from the raw data coming from the remote the actual data, and now using a lib that...
I used irremote to show me the raw data from each key on the remote, and I wrote those down.
However on sending them things dont work, I wonder if theres stuff missing like key up, key down etc.
I'll try sendNEC(); and see if that'll work.
I worked it out by looking at the datasheet, inside the chip the audio out pin has a transistor to the + rail and a current mirror to ground, putting a 4k7 resistor from the audio output to ground now enables the chip to drive the pin from 1v to 4v with the tuning centred on signal at 2.5v...
Using this chip I threw together an Fm Rx that works well, untill I followed part of a schem from researchgate that depicts a Afc circuit.
The demodulated audio out pin is low pass filtered down to 1 hz or so the the Dc is then fed back to a varicap which forms part of the tank circuit, to lock...
Thanks I found it, but didnt you mean MCUSR.
Arduino IDE recognizes MCUSR and can just be read into a variable, and the 6 causes of a reset can easily be determined.
I expected it to be harder somehow.
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