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Recent content by darkslate

  1. D

    How can I use the precompiled library in LDV?

    rakko, you misunderstood my question. option -y applies only to source code, It does not apply to compile library. if possible, please tell me the details. using ncvlog, ncelab, ncsim. linking with compile library is possible. ncvlog couter.v +delay_mode_zero ncvlog tcounter.v ncelab...
  2. D

    How can I use the precompiled library in LDV?

    I have two modules in my design. one module dut1 uses asic libraries , the other dut2 uses xilinx coregen libraries. the problem is that I want +delay_mode_zero complie option in dut1, and not in dut2. so I compiled as the followings. ncverilog dut1.v +delay_mode_zero ncverilog dut2 but...
  3. D

    How can I set the vcsi 6.2 license?

    vcsi 6.2 license setting How can I set the vcsi 6.2 license? I set the followings, but It doesn't work SNPSLM= <scl root dir> PATH = $SNPSLM/linux/bin:$PATH VCSI_HOME=<vcsi root dir> LM_LICENSE_FILE=<vcsi license file> PATH=$VCSI_HOME/bin:$VCSI_HOME/plat/bin:$VCSI_HOME/plat/util: \...
  4. D

    Where I can get LDV documnet

    I installed the LDV4.1 on linux, But there is no document. where I can get LDV4.1 documents?
  5. D

    vcsi 6.2 The license works on vcsi6.1,

    vcsi 6.2 Does it work on RH7.2? I installed vcsi6.2, but It does't work The license works on vcsi6.1, Is the Linux problem? :cry:
  6. D

    synopsys synthesis scriptors

    What is the best synthesis methodology? can you explain that? I am newbie to synopsys synthesis

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