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Recent content by btbass

  1. B

    Round Robin RTOS for Pic24F and Pic30F, Final Version

    Here is a lightweight kernel that supports true, time-sliced multitasking using a round robin scheduler. It implements event flags, semaphores and messages. Many programmers will find these basic control structures provide enough functionality for their software. The design aim was to keep the...
  2. B

    DA14531 Bluetooth and Xamarin.

    I did get it working. For anybody interested, I programmed the module with the 'DA14531_codeless_standalone.hex' file, using the 'Dialog SmartBond Flash Programmer'. (Free download) The Module powers up in Command mode. You use the first set of services in command mode, send the command...
  3. B

    DA14531 Bluetooth and Xamarin.

    I am trying to connect to a Dialog DA14531_MOD Bluetooth module using Visual Studio and Xamarin. Has anybody used the DA14531? Any info on how to connect?
  4. B

    [moved] Pic16f interrupt driven RC5 decoder

    A RC5 decoder for pic16f. Using interrupt.
  5. B

    [moved] Rtos for Microchip Pic30, Pic33 and Pic24

    A Small Lightweight Round Robin Multitasking kernel for Microchip Pic30, Pic33 and Pic24
  6. B

    STM32F302 as USB Virtual Com Port Device.

    Still can't get this chip to enumerate using the STMCube and the HAL framework. The Hardware is sound. If I hold the Boot_0 pin high, it fires up every time and enumerates as a bootloader. But the VCP code just wont enumerate properly??? Is anybody working with the STM32F302 as a usb device?
  7. B

    STM32F302 as USB Virtual Com Port Device.

    I am trying to use STM32Cube to generate a VCP Usb device framework for the STM32F302CB micro. It works fine for a STM32F405 chip and a STM32F103 chip. But on the 302, it just wont enumerate properly? The only differences I can see are the 302 supports USB Device only, while the others have...
  8. B

    Programming languages Top Twenty Chart.

    Top Twenty chart of programming languages
  9. B

    EMI/EMC test getting failed @30-60MHZ in Radiated emission

    Maybe adjust gate resistor values on the switching power device? Increase value to reduce switching rise time. This will reduce radiated harmonics.
  10. B

    When will i need c++?

    My work is Misra compliant C in ECU (Electronic control units) used in the automotive industry. My Windows programming is to test these units by sending Lin comms or Can comms to exersize their functions. Visual Studio and C# enable me to write test programs for this easily. My post are not...
  11. B

    When will i need c++?

    What a load of cobblers! At least you know Anders, and we agree C++ is a load of crap. Quote: I've used Java professionally since late in 1996, JAR JAR Well, I sympathise with that, Java is just a nickname for bloatware. Lets see now, Microchips Mplab X based on net beans, java. Thats a...
  12. B

    When will i need c++?

    In my opinion. To say C# is a version of Java is realy a bit simplistic, it is so much more. It is more like C than Java! The lead guy on C# development was the same guy who wrote Borland Pascal. A language Guru legend! C# takes the best elements of them all, Pascal, C++, Java, C, and tries to...
  13. B

    When will i need c++?

    In my opinion. I wouldn't bother with C++ if I were you. It is an ugly and complicated mess that is falling out of favour. If using Visual Studio, I would learn C#. It is a much more improved modern language, the language of the .Net framework. If you know C, C# will be an easy move. If using...
  14. B

    Arm Cortex STM32F405 Toggle pin at 20MHz?

    Thanks for the replies, I will look at the sample code. I am using EmBlocks and the bare metal GCC compiler. My core clock is 168MHz and the peripheral clock is 84MHz. I have tried using the timer and also PWM. The fastest I can go with these methods is ~2MHz? Using C, if I just toggle the...
  15. B

    Arm Cortex STM32F405 Toggle pin at 20MHz?

    I have a STM32F405 and I need to toggle an I/O pin at 20MHz. Could anybody suggest how to do this? Would inline assembler be the answer? If so, how?

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