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Recent content by BIxi

  1. B

    dsPIC30F6014 microphone electret

    I am using the development board of dsPIC30F6014. I have a voice codec example. I tried with normal microphone and it works.. but it doesn´t work with electret microphone... I think this kind of microphones need to be fed. Has anybody know if HDST(In Si3000) is to work with electret...
  2. B

    Components list of dsPIC30F6014

    components list hi guys!! Has anybody have the list of the components of the development board of dsPIC30F6014???? THANK YOU
  3. B

    An audio example for dsPIC30f6014

    thank you admir but what´s the meaning of 0x2300 is a "control word" ? why this control word and not other?
  4. B

    An audio example for dsPIC30f6014

    What development board are you using? What is the CODEC are you using? I am using dsPICDEM board. And the codec is si3000. But in the datasheet I have it doesn´t say the meaning of this registers... si3000.pdf this is the datasheet I am using. Can someone tell me where can I find a more...
  5. B

    An audio example for dsPIC30f6014

    Hi guys!!! I am working with the development board of the dsPIC30f6014. I have the information about the registers, but I don´t know how can I know the meaning of this instructions: while (!DCISTATbits.TMPTY); /* wait until TXBUF0 and TXBUF1 have been...

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