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Leveraging Technology Libraries for Optimal RTL Synthesis

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As an RTL Synthesis engineer in the integrated circuit (IC) industry, understanding and leveraging technology libraries is essential for achieving optimized synthesis results. This blog delves into the advanced use of technology libraries in RTL synthesis, highlighting specific case studies and the latest advancements in digital design.

Importance of Technology Libraries in RTL Synthesis​

Technology libraries are collections of standard cells and their characteristics, used by synthesis tools to map RTL code into physical hardware. These libraries contain detailed information about cell timing, power, and area, which are crucial for optimizing the design's performance and manufacturability. Effective use of technology libraries ensures that the synthesized design meets the desired specifications and constraints.

Advanced Techniques in Using Technology Libraries​

1. Library Characterization
Characterizing a technology library involves generating detailed timing, power, and area models for each cell under various operating conditions. Accurate library characterization is critical for reliable synthesis and timing analysis.

Case Study:
A design team at a leading semiconductor company used Synopsys PrimeTime-SI for noise analysis and timing validation. They enhanced their technology libraries using CeltIC for noise characterization, which provided robust models for handling glitches and multiple transitions on clock nets. This approach improved the accuracy of their static timing analysis and noise immunity of their design.

SPICE Simulations:
Perform SPICE simulations to extract detailed cell behavior under different conditions.
Noise Analysis: Use tools like CeltIC to characterize noise sensitivity and enhance library models.

2. Multi-Threshold Voltage (Multi-Vt) Libraries
Multi-Vt libraries contain cells with different threshold voltages, allowing designers to balance performance and power consumption. High-Vt cells are used for low power, while low-Vt cells are used for high performance.

Case Study:
A company optimized their design for both power and performance by simultaneously using high-speed and low-power libraries during synthesis. This dual-library approach allowed them to meet aggressive performance targets while minimizing power consumption, which was critical for their mobile processor design.

Power-Performance Trade-offs:
Use multi-Vt libraries to selectively apply high-speed or low-power cells based on design requirements.
Synthesis Tool Support: Ensure the synthesis tool supports multi-library usage and can optimize across different Vt cells.

Advanced Approaches in Technology Libraries​

1. Hierarchical Library Management
Hierarchical library management involves organizing libraries in a hierarchical manner, which can simplify the synthesis process for complex designs.

Case Study:
A network processor design team used hierarchical DFT techniques with Synopsys DFTMAX. They partitioned their design into smaller blocks, each with its own library, which facilitated higher test coverage and simplified the DFT strategy. This method also enabled parallel development and reduced integration time.

Divide the design into smaller blocks with dedicated libraries.
Integration: Integrate hierarchical blocks during synthesis for streamlined management and optimization.

2. Process-Technology-Specific Libraries
Leveraging libraries tailored for specific process technologies can significantly enhance synthesis outcomes. These libraries are optimized for the nuances of the target manufacturing process.

Case Study:
A design team at Broadcom used process-technology-specific libraries to improve the accuracy of their timing and power estimations. By using libraries characterized for their specific process node, they achieved better predictability and reliability in their synthesis results.

Process-Specific Libraries:
Use libraries optimized for the specific manufacturing process node.
Vendor Collaboration:Work closely with library vendors to ensure the libraries are up-to-date and accurately characterized.
About author
Peng Yu
With a wealth of experience in formal verification projects, I specialize in two critical solutions: formal signoff with full proof and formal signoff with coverage. Throughout my career, I have successfully tackled a diverse range of designs, including Instruction units, Standard interfaces, User-defined interfaces, Bus matrices, Caches, MMUs, Schedulers, DMA controllers, Memory controllers, Interrupt controllers, Power management units, and various specific functional modules.

Drawing on this extensive project experience and a deep understanding of various design types, I have developed a unique formal verification methodology. This methodology has been honed through practical application and has proven highly effective in ensuring design correctness and efficiency.

One of my key achievements has been the independent creation of a comprehensive formal verification IP library. This library comprises nearly 200 units, encompassing basic, common, VIP, and flow libraries. These resources, combined with my methodology, have been successfully deployed in the product development workflows of numerous leading chip companies. The results speak for themselves, with significant improvements in verification effectiveness and performance observed across the board.

My goal is to share this expertise with students at EDA Academy, providing them with practical insights and industry best practices that they can apply directly to their own projects. By imparting this knowledge, I aim to empower learners to achieve their verification goals with confidence and efficiency.

EDA Academy:
Explore our current Formal Verification courses:
  1. Introduction to Formal Verification
  2. Formal Verification: SVA Coding
  3. Formal Verification: PSL Coding


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