Hello Everyone,
If you're willing to convert the values of 0 to 999 Decimal range (8 bit data) into their ASCII values then here is the program with explanation :
(and if you have 16 bit data then I'll post that too, just tell me)
Normally to get no.s displayed people often uses "sprintf" function in C, but it occupies a large space in your memory.
So this one is the better option to do so.
Thanks :-D
If you're willing to convert the values of 0 to 999 Decimal range (8 bit data) into their ASCII values then here is the program with explanation :
(and if you have 16 bit data then I'll post that too, just tell me)
void main()
unsigned char x,y,d1,d2,d3;
y = 0xFD; // y is your value, here I've take 0xFD (253 in Decimal)
x = y / 10; // after execution, x will have answer and y will have remainder
//(x=25 & y=3)
d1 = y % 10 // after execution y will have no change and d1 will have
//remainder (y=3 & d1=3)
// means you've got d1;your LSD (Least Significant Digit)
d2 = x % 10 // after execution x will have no change and d2 will have
//remainder (x=25 & d2=5)
// means you've got d2;your middle Digit
d3 = x / 10; // after execution d3 will have answer and x will have remainder
//(d3=2 & x=5)
// means you've got d3;your MSD (Most Significant Digit)
// now we need to display all three digits 'd3=2' , 'd2=5' & 'd1=3'.
// (Here you'll never get d1,d2,d3 greater than 9. If you get then there must be a mistake //anywhere in program.)
// Now to convert them into the ASCII you need to add 30H in these values
// Now you have 'd3=0x32' , 'd2=0x35' & 'd1=0x33'
// And these new values are the ASCII Code of your actual numbers
(Remember : by adding 30H you get ASCII)
// Now just send these variables to LCD and display them
// Hope this helps you
Normally to get no.s displayed people often uses "sprintf" function in C, but it occupies a large space in your memory.
So this one is the better option to do so.
Thanks :-D