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How to design hardware interface for RS485 communication?

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Nov 3, 2006
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I have to design hardware 4 interfaching atmega128 with max485 ic for rs485 commnication.How can i procced.

atmega128 rs485

you can build a multipoint configuration, as

rs485 communication 75176

connect the serial RX pin in to the rs 485 ic(75176) 's 1st pin and Tx pin of the Atmega
avr conroller to the 4th pin of the 485 ic 2&3 pin of the 485 ic used as control pin short that two pins connect it to the any port pin of the controller(if it is 1 then 485 act as transmiter and if it is 0 485 act as receiver) 7 & 6 of the 485 act as o/p (A&B) this two pins produce the voltage diffrence between the signals .like this make same configuration in the reciever side.... if any doubt contact me..k
All the Best

max485 avr

connect the RX pin of the controller to the rs 485 ic(75176) 's 1st pin and Tx pin of the conroller to the 4th pin of the 485 ic. The 2&3 pin of the 485 ic used as control pins Make the Second pin of the RS-485 grounded and connect the third pin to any port pin of the controller(if it is 1 then 485 act as transmiter and if it is 0 485 act as receiver) and make this 3rd pin pulled down. So, that this connection by default in the reciever mode and when u give one to this pin it will be in transmitter mode. 7 & 6 of the 485 act as o/p (A&B) this two pins produce the voltage diffrence between the signals .like this make same configuration in the reciever side.

Re: interfaching rs485


Be more specific about communication. Half-duplex or Full-Duplex, 4-wire or 2-wire connection, point to point or multi point communication.

For example 4-wire point to point RS-485 communication is very similar to RS-232 with easy termination on the far end.

Re: interfaching rs485

Please take a look at
same topic with different controller.

Re: interfaching rs485

you can use max485 for project. there much noise in transmit line so that you have to reduce it.

Added after 8 minutes:

I'm designing Board RTU using atmega128 and interfaching some slave with another. I have to build protocol for this network and i have some exprience in that. but i don't know how to post file in this topic and i'm VietNam. all text is Vietnammess. i will translate it in future. Sorry

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