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Mician Microwave Wizard

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Feb 16, 2003
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mician microwave wizard

Hi uWave folks,

Has anyone of you any experience on Mician Microwave Wizard? It should be capable of aiding in waveguide structure design, and I'd like to know more. Perhaps it might be better to some filter problems than the "normal" 3D simulators such as HFSS & others.



mician password

hi Hobbie!
hobbymat said:
... Mician Microwave Wizard? ... Perhaps it might be better to some filter problems than the "normal" 3D simulators such as HFSS & others.
yes, it is better. it is accurate for structures which i had tested, it has very nice optimizator and it is very fast: it needs minutes for work when hfss needs hours.
best regards.

mician microwave

Are you using an "official" version or an... err... "unofficial" home edition? 8)

I've got the "official" demo CD of v4.8, so feel free to PM me if you can help me in evaluating this promising software in its full extent.



uwave wizard

you have official 4.8 demo cd! you are lucky!
but demo is demo. as i know, mician can give you to try full version.
it is alternative:
1) internet flex licence ( not time limited ).
2) timelimited version with hardlock.
you have to do special request.
best regards.


where down for try?

free microwave wizard demo


Mician work well with cst mws

as U_F_O wrote:
you have to do special request and get
1) internet flex licence ( not time limited ).
2) timelimited version with hardlock.

then you will get from mician password
to download the software
now there is ver4.9.


wasp net mician

how to get a try ?

mician-microwave wizard

I mean a try chance?

new mician-microwave wizard

try WASp-NET for ur applns.

wasp-net filter

Can anyone upload the version of mician microwave wizard which hez using currently . I want to check if its really helpful.

uwave mician

ayesha928 said:
Can anyone upload the version of mician microwave wizard which hez using currently . I want to check if its really helpful.

I used u-Wave based on mode matching technique when I wroked on 24 GHz substarte (dielectric) integrated waveguide filter in 2005. It was very efficient, with very good optimizer. Results can be got within minutes. And I input results into HFSS to double check.

They (mician) added FEM method to the tool recently. I used it again last year when working on a wide band capactively loaded interdigital filter (passband of 225-400 MHz).


can anyone give me the download link for mician7.0

thanks a lot

"can anyone give me the download link for mician7.0 "

If you are a registered owner of version 7.0 you can contact and they will provide you with a download link. If you want to test the latest version, go sign up on their web site and you will get a limited time trial version (fully functional, no restrictions).

At the IEEE IMS2010 in Anaheim, Mician handed out free trial CD's (restricted options) of MicroWave Wizard Anniversary Edition. The price for their software package has come down tremendously and they are offering huge discounts for schools and universities (see Mician's web site for pricing in EUROs).

Re: mician password

hi Hobbie! yes, it is better. it is accurate for structures which i had tested, it has very nice optimizator and it is very fast: it needs minutes for work when hfss needs hours.
best regards.

Hi, I am using uWave Wizard now. I got a big problem, hoping that your experience may give me some helps.

I first use its mode-matching solver to design a bandpass filter. It is very fast and the results can be optimized very quickly. But when I double checked the results with HFSS, it is totally different. I also used the built-in FEM solver in uWave Wizard itself. The FEM results are also different from the mode-matching results.

I guess it is due to the relative convergence problem. I increased the cutoff frequency and the connection modes, the results seem to be stable, but are still not agreeable with HFSS.

Do you have any suggestions or how do you set the parameters in it to get a reliable result.


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