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Power OpAmps application

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Full Member level 5
Jul 6, 2010
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Hello i have used 741 op amp with NTC temperature and comrator lm339
but what is power op amp application?

The 741 is not what you'd call a power op amp. It can drive a light load only. Example, 1k ohm causes output voltage to drop 1 or 2 percent.

You would need to look for a power op amp, if you wish to output high current.

I searched for "Power Opamp" and found the Texas Instruments OPA569. Its datasheet lists many things it can do but not as an audio power amplifier because its package is small, it cannot dissipate much heat and its maximum supply voltage is only 5.5V. A few other manufacturers also make power opamps.
A power op amp can deliver more current into a load than the few mA of a standard op amp.
It thus can deliver more "power" to the load which is why it's called a power op amp.
There are applications where you need more current than a standard amp can supply, such as driving LEDs or transmission lines.
There are applications where you need more current than a standard amp can supply, such as driving LEDs or transmission lines.

led are only switch on/off so what is the need of analog here?
and please tell transmission line are power grid of KV where we use power opamp there?
i get from this **broken link removed**


led are only switch on/off so what is the need of analog here?
and please tell transmission line are power grid of KV where we use power opamp there?
i get from this **broken link removed**
LEDs can be driven in analog fashion such as for wireless AC signal transmission modulation.

By transmission lines I mean signal lines, such as coaxial cables, not power lines.

Years ago I made Fading Red Eyes (by Bill Bowden). It uses a linear opamp to gradually fade and brighten some LEDs. The LEDs are not high power and do not light up an entire neighbourhood, they use normal 20mA so an ordinary opamp is used, not a power opamp.

LEDs can be driven in analog fashion such as for wireless AC signal transmission modulation.

By transmission lines I mean signal lines, such as coaxial cables, not power lines.

Can you tell more how it work and why AC was used here to drive?
why coaxial wire are used with leds?

A good example of a Power Operational Amplifier would be a Power Audio Amplifier application. A good example of this would be an L165V which is no longer in production but others are available.
A good example of a Power Operational Amplifier would be a Power Audio Amplifier application. A good example of this would be an L165V which is no longer in production but others are available.

Why it is not in production and how does power op amp are produced design?

Presumably it was not a good seller. I'm not sure how an IC like this is produced as I am not a chip guy. Others may be able to fill this in?

OK, then what is your specialization?

- - - Updated - - -

The chip work at OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 3A

how to have more voltage and current for other application?

I specialise in high Power Electronics...Inverters..biggest one i've done was 500kW.

Great how you have done this job what was the basic model.
this is my syllabus

Section 10: Power Electronics
Characteristics of semiconductor power devices: Diode, Thyristor, Triac, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT; DC to DC conversion: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters; Single and three phase configuration of uncontrolled rectifiers, Line commutated thyristor based converters, Bidirectional ac to dc voltage source converters, Issues of line current harmonics, Power factor, Distortion factor of ac to dc converters, Single phase and three phase inverters, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.

Well I started in Induction Heating and then moved into AC drives. I cover most of the things in your syllabus in my job. I am a contracting engineer working on different project every few months.

Which type of circuit is this??


I really recommend to do simple search on your own.

Like google "basic OPAMP circuits" --> you find pictures of circuits, descriptions and all you need. Simple and fast.
This is a repeated request. Please follow my advice. Don´t be lazy. You waste our time.


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