I need a quick set up for a battery charger. I'm going to use a gas generator, a welder transformer and a bridge rectifier.
I've used it before but it was a real pain for the gas generator (not using any PFC circuit at all).
I've read somewhere (long ago, can't find the link) about using a(nother) regular LF transformer as a passive PFC inductor.
They put the primary winding of the "PFC" transformer in series with the secondary winding of the main transformer (after bridge rectifier). And here comes the twilight part: If I remember correctly, the secondary winding of the "PFC" transformer has been shunted. Is that correct? Or should I left it open circuit?
I've used it before but it was a real pain for the gas generator (not using any PFC circuit at all).
I've read somewhere (long ago, can't find the link) about using a(nother) regular LF transformer as a passive PFC inductor.
They put the primary winding of the "PFC" transformer in series with the secondary winding of the main transformer (after bridge rectifier). And here comes the twilight part: If I remember correctly, the secondary winding of the "PFC" transformer has been shunted. Is that correct? Or should I left it open circuit?