Member level 5

Hi all,
How to stop DC Motor simple(not dc gear) at a particular degree of rotation,
i am using atmega8 n rotary encoder for feedback of angle/degree of rotation.
Motor is interfaced with l293d with atmega8, operationg voltage of motor is 5v as supplied to MCU.
i need to stop the DC motor at a desired angle.
i dont want to go 4 stepper motor or servo motor if its possible with DC motor
How to stop DC Motor simple(not dc gear) at a particular degree of rotation,
i am using atmega8 n rotary encoder for feedback of angle/degree of rotation.
Motor is interfaced with l293d with atmega8, operationg voltage of motor is 5v as supplied to MCU.
i need to stop the DC motor at a desired angle.
i dont want to go 4 stepper motor or servo motor if its possible with DC motor