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TEA5767 module pinout needed

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Full Member level 6
Full Member level 6
May 17, 2012
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Hello can you please provide me the pinout of this board ?


I have tried to detect the connections through datasheet connections of the ic, but cant contact most of the pins.

Thank you

this is not the right one you're searching for, but this should help to find your module pinout.

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Hello, I have tried that but i cannot verify the connections as the pins of the chip are very difficult to reach with any tool. I tried with tweezer connected to contact tester but no luck . I can touch less than half of total pins

one nice solution to this :
**broken link removed**
or this
**broken link removed**
or this
**broken link removed**

Hello Krypton and thank you for your interest and time. But these are 5+5 pins. Not the same pinout as the module i have wich is 4 on the up and 6 on the bottom side.

I know that top left and top right pins are output of capacitors, so i suppose that are not SDA,SCL,GND,VCC,Antenna conections right ?
Those might be Left/Right output.

I have to locate the VCC SDA SCL GND and Busmode so that I can test it, but I canot risk blind connecting it as I will probably destroy the chip.
I have just ordered the common 5767 module because I need it urgently and if a day i get the correct pinout, then I will use it for a future project.

did you ask the seller (I saw this module on ebay) for the datasheet ?
well it's chinese new year actually it's not the best time in the year to ask for something out there !

Yes I have attemped to contact, but as you mentioned it is new year.
As far as I know those retailers have no clue about what they sell and I expect that the answer will be "My friend really sorry but I has no information about pinout you ask me, may the gods of this world be with you take care , you and your family have a wonderful day and luck"

what is written at the back of the module ?
can you upload a better picture of top and bottom of the module ?

Of course I have searched with any code I have found in that pcb
But I believe that information is out there. I seek in wrong places , purhaps.

your tuner is a recycled part of a samsung mp3 player with a fm receiver as option.
here is the pinout of the module, and the whole service manual.
hope this helps.



  • YPZ5_SM.pdf
    7.8 MB · Views: 145

I am greateful for your help. I dont know what I missed in my search.
The bad thing is that board probably needs a crystal, and I dont have a 32,768 KHz neither a 13MHz. I only have 16 and 12 MHz.
By monday i'll grab one at the superoverpriced local store and will power it up!

you're welcome!
I made a search in google for "tt 502x" WITH the quotes and in the first page I found the result.
without the quotes, you have plenty of useless results, also if you ask for tt-502x it's useless.

it seems that this tuner module is not a good one : I hope it was cheaper than the other with the crystal on it and that you find the datasheet everywhere ?

It was the cheapest and I grabed a couple. I had bought the "common" one , with the crystal in it 3 monhts ago , tested it, listened to music with it and when i wanted to integrate it on an amplifier box i destroyed 1 pin and garbaged it.
Anyway, seller responded with pdf, but not a correct pdf.. :p


  • 5767.pdf
    234 KB · Views: 158

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