jamaleddin mollasalmani
Newbie level 5
![Newbie level 5](/styles/images/ranks/blevel2.gif)
Hello to all,
As i know there are three main different bandgap references:
1-BJT core Bandgap reference
2-Fully Mosfet bandgap reference
3-Mixed BJT and MOSFET core Bandgap Reference
I wanna know which of these three are better for designing a sub-1v and up-1v bandgap references with less temprature coefficient for output voltage(less ppm/c)?
Or better i ask can we judge these three in this way?
jamaleddin Mollasalmani
As i know there are three main different bandgap references:
1-BJT core Bandgap reference
2-Fully Mosfet bandgap reference
3-Mixed BJT and MOSFET core Bandgap Reference
I wanna know which of these three are better for designing a sub-1v and up-1v bandgap references with less temprature coefficient for output voltage(less ppm/c)?
Or better i ask can we judge these three in this way?
jamaleddin Mollasalmani
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