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I am planning for laser show in my college that can show project some 2d images.............
i dont know about the hardware to be used and laser programming so need your help to learn that..
got time of about 4 months

Laser video projector is a video projector that modulates a laser beam in order to project a raster-based image. The systems work either by scanning the entire picture a dot at a time and modulating the laser directly at high frequency, much like the electron beams in a cathode ray tube, or by optically spreading and then modulating the laser and scanning a line at a time, the line itself being modulated in much the same way as with Digital Light Processing (DLP). When well implemented this technology produces the broadest color gamut available in practical display equipment today, because lasers produce truly monochromatic primaries.

Laser signal modulation

The video signal is introduced to the laser beam by an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) that uses a photorefractive crystal to separate the beam at distinct diffraction angles. The beam must enter the crystal at the specific Bragg angle of that AOM crystal. A piezoelectric element transforms the video signal into vibrations in the crystal to create a diffraction grating.

Horizontal and vertical refresh

A rapidly rotating polygonal mirror gives the laser beam the horizontal refresh modulation. It reflects off of a curved mirror onto a galvanometer-mounted mirror which provides the vertical refresh. Another way is to optically spread the beam and modulate each entire line at once, much like in a DLP, reducing the peak power needed in the laser and keeping power consumption constant.

Building your own Simple Laser Projector using the Microchip PIC12F683 Microcontroller



Second nice project with PIC18F1220


Also see this link:
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^ Looks like a pretty interesting project.

Whats the purpose of the laser show? Laser lights can be rented for pretty cheap, like $12 a week, and can be synchronized with music. I rented some for a party I threw a few weeks ago.

A girl would be equally impressed with a rented laser show. Either way, this is not the best place to get help with impressing a girl :razz:

Yes you are completely right they today have more stronger requirements. Maybe he should try with 3D laser projector not 2D. :wink:

I will post project if I find him in my archive. :smile:

For now someting for reading:
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Actual laser shows using dot-matrix imaging requires higher power lasers (500mW-3W), which are extremely dangerous (a tenth of a second of direct exposure can cause permanent and complete blindness in one eye). If you don't already have extensive experience in lasers and optic applications, then you should forget such ambitions.

Yes mtwieg is right.

Even cheap chinese 2mW-5mW laser pointer is dangerous, watching on laser end dot and pointing direct into eye.

Also cheap chinese 500mW lasers are more dangerous they can cut material and make fire, or can be modified to 2W lasers...

People also dont know that UV neons and other lights in night clubs is also very dangerous for eyes, I never understand junkies with sunglasses in rave-techno clubs.

what is the difference in cost betn 2d and 3d projector...

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Actually, I need this show for inaugration ceremony of a technical exhibition in my college.... it would be great if i can show some writings and pictures related to the theme of the programme

- - - Updated - - - i need something similar to this.........
i can learn programming part in some months but what are the hardwares that can be used..

Your links were gr8 .... i will definately try those .. however for some big show how can we use dmx controller and software like quickview to get the laser effects like above

i can spend upto $1000 is it possible in that cost.....
nyway dude ur links were awesome and ur just of the most genius at edaboard
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    Points: 2
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All I can say is good luck! This is the top comment on the video you reference:

"If you only knew how much Time, Work, Programming, and Engineering went into some thing like this you would shit yourself and maybe respect it more... not sure your tiny mind could handle it lol"

One person with under 4 months and only $1000.. Its just a stretch. I highly doubt there are any DIY guides for something of that caliper. There is probably over $1000 worth of laser diodes alone in that thing.

All I can say is good luck! This is the top comment on the video you reference:

"If you only knew how much Time, Work, Programming, and Engineering went into some thing like this you would shit yourself and maybe respect it more... not sure your tiny mind could handle it lol"

One person with under 4 months and only $1000.. Its just a stretch. I highly doubt there are any DIY guides for something of that caliper. There is probably over $1000 worth of laser diodes alone in that thing.

Maybe you have some laser show devices on stock for renting/selling. People must have faith, without faith they are like zombis or some Hollywood movie star at home. Life make challenges and on us is to try to achieve them.
I've been looking at similar for Hard-Disk-Voice-Coil-mechanisms... Recently I've aquired an old osciloscope, with X-Y & blank inputs, with it setup right I can test the theory 1st easier, driving the dot x/y using the (eventually) to-galvo voltages in various sin/cos/whatever way to give a bit of fun,
No in the immediate future, but I'll keep an eye on this thread and let you know if it happens... I've got loads of old/broke 2.5" HDDs that I think are only a mirror, a spring and super-glue away from being workable test when I get there...
Cool thread! :)

You mean something like this :


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You mean something like this :


Also see this XY Laser Scanner
Oh yes, "Just the ticket"!!! This is just "what I had in mind", I've got stacks of old disk! I recon the 2.5" ones'll move faster but I aim to find out one day!! :)

Cool indeed thank you tpetar, :D

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