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[Moved] AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

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Newbie level 3
Jun 19, 2012
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With the application of AS3991/AS3992 reader chip produced by austriamicrosystems company and the C8051F340 chip of Silicon Silabs and other RF circuit, we design the UHF RFID reader module. We can do secondary development with this module.
AS399x reader.jpg
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This RFID reader has two versions: USB and UART. At the same time, the board only supports one way to communicate. So when you take the reader of USB version, it's UART interface can't be recognized. Then when you take the reader of UART version, it's USB interface can't be recognized too. You can switch the version through burning the corresponding firmware. The reader module has C2 programming interface of C8051 MCU.
Working FrequencyChina standard (920~925MHz), American standard (902~928MHz), European standard (865~868MHz) , 840MHz~960MHz working frequency
ProtocolISO18000-6C (EPC GEN2), compatible ISO18000-6A/B
Antenna gain8dBi directional antenna or 5dBi PCB antenna optional (50 ohm impedance matching)
RF powerMAX 20dBm (adjustable)
Card reading distancePassive tags identification distance adjusting range:1 to 6 meters adjustable for 8dBi antenna
Card reading timeReading time of multi-tags 64 bit ID <6ms
Modulation modeASK or PR-ASK
Antenna interfaceMMCX
Supporting interfaceHigh speed USB or TTL Uart (RS232) communicate with PC applications
Working powerDC+3.3V 2A; +5.5V optional
Read indicatorCan be programmed. GPIO output can be set
Working temperature-20 degree C +80 degree C
Storage temperature-40 degree C to +125 degree C
Working humidity20% to 95 % (No condensation)

The reading distance of the reader is different when using different antenna. The the distance above is according to our existing antenna.
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Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

What's the longest identified distance when total EIRP is 36dBm,and what's the tag chip used ? thanks!

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

1. The output power of transmitter is 20dBm. We always use 8dBi antenna which is Laird S9028PCL(902-928Mhz) and whose cable losses is very small. So the EIRP is about 28dBm(631mW). Its longest identified distance is 6m. This distance is aimed at one label. The more tags read all of at the same time, the shorter distance will read. I'm sorry that we have not tried the bigger gain antenna.
2. The tag chip used is Monza3 of Impini or Alien 9540. This two labels are what we currently use.

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

In fact, the tag in line with EPC GEN2 standard all can be read by this reader.

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module


But,different chip different sensitivity and then different distance.

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module


But,different chip different sensitivity and then different distance.

We have some module with Impinj chips, R500 or R2000, good performance compared with ThingMagic.

with the application of as3991/as3992 reader chip produced by austriamicrosystems company and the c8051f340 chip of silicon silabs and other rf circuit, we design the uhf rfid reader module. We can do secondary development with this module.
View attachment 75985
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this rfid reader has two versions: Usb and uart. At the same time, the board only supports one way to communicate. So when you take the reader of usb version, it's uart interface can't be recognized. Then when you take the reader of uart version, it's usb interface can't be recognized too. You can switch the version through burning the corresponding firmware. The reader module has c2 programming interface of c8051 mcu.
working frequencychina standard (920~925mhz), american standard (902~928mhz), european standard (865~868mhz) , 840mhz~960mhz working frequency
protocoliso18000-6c (epc gen2), compatible iso18000-6a/b
antenna gain8dbi directional antenna or 5dbi pcb antenna optional (50 ohm impedance matching)
rf powermax 20dbm (adjustable)
card reading distancepassive tags identification distance adjusting range:1 to 6 meters adjustable for 8dbi antenna
card reading timereading time of multi-tags 64 bit id <6ms
modulation modeask or pr-ask
antenna interfacemmcx
supporting interfacehigh speed usb or ttl uart (rs232) communicate with pc applications
working powerdc+3.3v 2a; +5.5v optional
read indicatorcan be programmed. Gpio output can be set
working temperature-20 degree c +80 degree c
storage temperature-40 degree c to +125 degree c
working humidity20% to 95 % (no condensation)

the reading distance of the reader is different when using different antenna. The the distance above is according to our existing antenna.

whats the cost of this reader

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module use external amplifier or use internal amplifier?

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

AS3992 has output power about 20dBm, an external PA will be used when you need more Tx power.

Re: AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module

hi rf1008
but my question is about this board :"AS3992 passive UHF RFID reader module"
1-use external amplifier?
2-and whats part number amplifier ?

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