Advanced Member level 4

It is a final version of program for a PC – QR Code Gen2. It is a small and useful program, using which you can:
- generate any text, business card, www address, e-mail or other dara in the form of QR code
- scale created QR code
- determine to a certain extent the margin of the code in the image
- generate codes in any color of RGB palette
- save generated codes to the files in BMP and PNG format
- print generated codes directly on default printer
- add your own logo to the QR code
Purpose of this project is to learn programming in Delphi and present source codes, design patterns, etc. The program in form of a small EXE file can run on any Windows system.

This program does not require connection to the Internet. QR codes are generated directly using the program's code.
Even maximum size (A4) picture can be printed, so you can reach large codes and place them anywhere. Due to the fact that there is print option, you can easily install a printer driver for PDF and put created codes to PDF, so you can print them later on a professional printer or in a printing house.

There is a view of codes printed on a color printer.

Code scanned on a phone with Android.

And pictures showing new possibilities or adding your logo for QR codes – with scanning.

You can read QR code with inserted above your own logos, which can be loaded from JPG or BMP files.
You can generate:
- business cards
- events in your calendar

The program can be downloaded from: LINK.
Link to original thread (useful attachment) - QR code generator 2 + LOGO - program na PC