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motor control using pic16f877

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Sep 30, 2011
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hello every one..
i got struck in a project where i need to turn on and off three motors depending on the operation using pic 16f877..
1. 24v dc motor
2. 230v ac motor
3. 24v ac motor
can any one please suggest me how to operate these motors with pic 16f877.. do i need any triac or mosfet or any other circuit to add in between motor and pic.. if you know any circuits regarding this please let me know as soon as possible..

thank you :)

hello every one..
i got struck in a project where i need to turn on and off three motors depending on the operation using pic 16f877..
1. 24v dc motor
2. 230v ac motor
3. 24v ac motor
can any one please suggest me how to operate these motors with pic 16f877.. do i need any triac or mosfet or any other circuit to add in between motor and pic.. if you know any circuits regarding this please let me know as soon as possible..

thank you :)
Just want to turn it on and off?

You can do that using relay /transistor as switch/ MOSFET etc. depending on AC or DC
What is the power ratings of those motors
To be on the safe side use optoisolator for AC motors .

FOR DC motors:-
Consider this :-

For higher ratings USE TIP120 [see datasheet]

Consider this connection:-

1. The microcontroller is protected from EMI created by motor brushes by using an optoisolator(4N35 may be used, easily available) and seperate power supply.
2. Seperate power supply allows high voltage motors (Vceo of TIP120 is 60V).
3.Decoupling capacitor (.01mdf) reduces EMI of the motor.
4. Logic low will start the motor in this case
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thank you for replying.. at present i dont know power rating of motrs. is it really makes difference (power rating) to just on and off the motor. i understood your concept.. but i cant able to c the attached picture clearly.. the pic is too small.. do you wish to tell any thing else so i need to take care in this circuit.. please tell me the link for your picture or attach bigger picture..

Click the picture to open it wider

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