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atmega168 not working

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Nov 21, 2011
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New Delhi, India
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i have a atmega168 and programmed it using a avr programmer circuit Getting started with AVR development
and i programmed it 3-4 times but after that i able to program the mcu but it didn't get any output on pb0 i programmed a led flasher this problem increased and and i ended up with a unprogrammable mcu now pony prog cant detect my mcu.
i was goind fine until programmed code on this page AVR Timers - An Introduction. | eXtreme Electronics

thanks in advance and sorry for my english

The most common mistake is to set the clock source fuse to a wrong setting (external clock), in that case you need an external clcok to change the fuses again.
If you have another AVR you can use a toggling pin as a clock to the locked AVR.

Maybe you have disabled the reset, in that case you will need a parallel programmer.

Do you recall the fuse state, did you change them?


yep i think i messed with that ckdiv8 but i'm not sure if i messed before or after i faced that problem

---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:17 ----------

and i dont have any other avr

The CLKDIV8 can't prevent the mcu from programming, you must have changed the RSTDISBL or CKSEL fuses.

Any kind of square wave generator would do assuming that you have the enabled the external clock, if on the other hand you have disabled the RESET pin then you can only do it with a parallel programmer.


It is better to use a software other than pony prog.

My self had some problem with that in the beginning.

can some one tell me which software to use and also how do i unlock my mcu(maybe a tutorial).
i don't have parallel port on my new pc but i'll do it on my friends pc.

There is a parallel programmer at the end of this page
ELM - AVR programmer

There are also devices that can do this automatically like
**broken link removed**


Do i have to construct that fusebit thingy, if not how can make one on my own.
Parallel port programmer, I dont have a parallel port (i need a serial port programmer).

In the previous post you said that you don't have a parallel post but you will go to your friend, why is the parallel port a problem now?
I haven't seen any parallel programmer using a serial port.

Then only other circuit I have seen is a mega8 resenting a mega8 but I have no idea if it will work with mega168.

Do you remember what fuses you have changed?
It you didn't change RSTDISBL then you don't need the parallel programmer, if you just changed the CKSEL fuses then an external clcok is all that you need.

Have you tries lowering the speed of your programmer (assuming that it is possible), maybe you have lowered the mcu clock and you need to lower the ISP too so that it is recognized

I can use my friends pc for unlocking stuff.
Tell me how to make that fusebit doctor.
And, what i can tell you is that when i connect a 20mhz oscillator between xtal pins and i remove the gnd from pin8 and connect a led to any pin(but last code i wrote into mcu was to flash led at pb0) it starts flashing.

Tell me how to make that fusebit doctor.

What do you mean, each project has the schematic you should make , I have provided you the links.

And, what i can tell you is that when i connect a 20mhz oscillator between xtal pins and i remove the gnd from pin8 and connect a led to any pin(but last code i wrote into mcu was to flash led at pb0) it starts flashing.

You mean that your code is executing correctly, if so then it isn't a reset or clock problem but I have no idea what is wrong

What i mean is, can i make one for me or is it for sale. i programmed my code to blink a led at portb pin 1 and its flashing on all pins and it only flashes when i remove the ground from pin 8.

All the projects I have posted are DIY, the parallel programmer is just a circuit and needs the programmer software while the fusebit doctor is a stand alone device with firmware but everything is included in the download.

I have already posted the link a parallel programmer schematic in post #7, this is the direct link

I don't know of another parallel programmer.


You can actually erase fusebits by parallel programming without programmer. Only breadboard. Read parallel programming specification and then connect and disconnect wires on breadboard accordingly. It's kind of hardcore method, but it works. I myself have unlocked two atmega 8's this way.

warning: this may take some time :)

Can you tell me the whole method, what you did with your atmega8 ?.
I will try on my 168

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