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A goldmine for the PIC programmer. Hardware design tricks. And MPLAB getting started

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Advanced Member level 7
Mar 16, 2008
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came across a great post about PIC and I think it would help many users who are learning PIC.
The original post is located and he has agreed for a copy of the article to be posted here.
The Compiled Tips ‘N Tricks Guide PDF has many tricks that can be used in any mcu so it will be useful even if you don't use PIC.

I guess many in the forum know about the "Compiled Tips ‘N Tricks Guide" that is free documents full of golden nuggets for the PIC user.
It will help you get most out of your 8 bit PIC MCU, it explain the different methods and tricks in detail rather than giving program examples so it will be very helpful to all who use PIC MCUs, it is about 137 pages long if you have not read it yet give it a try, ideal for students

A programmer is useless, unless he/she are able to utilize the power of the available tools and hereby be able to debug and simulate code.
The hobbyist may not have access to fancy (and expensive) hardware debugging tools but the fact is that many errors can be tracked down with the software simulator tool named MPLAB SIM.
Microchip do have something named Webseminars, they are located here .
I have compiled a list that I think will be useful for the MPLAB novice, the list include both using MPLAB and debugging.
Start on top of the list and work yourself downwards, my last tips for the beginner, when you are starting on a new project always use the project wizard in MPLAB, never program without conferring with the datasheet and keep attention to details.
Dilbert: Read a Manual and Cube Farming: Reproduce - YouTube
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Using Asynchronous Stimulus with the MPLAB Simulator - YouTube)
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All credits for the post go to the author t06afre - - -

Updated 14 Sep 2011,
I have been contacted by the author that the web seminar links have changed location in the Microchip website and the old ones were not valid.
He has provided the new fixed links and the article links have been updated.

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