Advanced Member level 4

The projector consists of three laser modules: red one (650nm), green one (532nm) and blue one (445nm). The beams were combined by mirrors/filters “dichro”. The filter reflects certain narrow range of wavelengths, the rest is passed. It's very important to put the filters in the right position, angle to get the 3 beams to cover as good as possible. To make this, a kinematic mount should be mounted – in this project, just glue was used.
The red laser module is a laser from DVD working on 750mA. This much will strongly shorten the life of this laser, but this is the only method of getting the red beam. The laser is placed in a standard collimator which has an acrylic collimatoring lens. This module will not work for a long time, therefore, it's mounted on glue with a still working fan blowing cold air on it. That made laser generates about 400mW.
The green laser module is a fabric CNI module. It's a DPSS module that generates about 550mW.
The blue laser module was mounted personally. It consists of a NICHIA laser diode, coated glass optics to get the right wavelength, and a TEC temperature stabilizer. A driver to the diode was written, it allows to adjust the analog modulation to 40kHz, and the temperature stabilizer set is to 15 degrees. The whole thing is closed in a housing from 473nm module from B&W TEK/CNI.
- wavelength: 440-455nm
- temperature set: 15 degrees
- threshold current: 200mA
- operational current: 700mA (set in the driver to 600mA – the module emits above 0.5W 445nm)
- beam divergence: 1mrad
- power: 500mW@576mA
- power: 550mW@600mA
- power: 700mW@700mW
The beams outside:

The device consumes 1.5W but with a “normal” red it raises to 2W.

To draw something with this lasers, a galvo scanner will be needed. A standard G120 was used. It's quite high, but in this casing it fits.
The projector is equipped in a ILDA socket and works in it's standard, almost meeting the safety requirements (no shutter).
The whole device was closed in a box of 1.5cm plywood. It consists of two levels:
- on the top one, the power supply to lasers is mounted with: lasers, optics, galvos, blue module driver and the fan
- on the bottom one, the galvos driver is mounted with green and red laser drivers

Links to films:
Link to original thread (nice films) – Projektor laserowy RGB 1,5W