Advanced Member level 4
Everyone who has worked with SMD elements, will find this device very useful. This disposer is also equipped in an under pressure gripper and a HotAir solder which makes this device a fully equipped mounter station.
There is a micro switch on the syringe to steer the device, but it can be redesigned to make a foot switch if needed.
The device is supplied by 230V and compressed air. The compressor can be made from a fridge compressor.
The electric module:
- 12/24 power supply
- 12V to supply the time circuit on NE555
- 24V to supply the pneumatic distributor coil
- a 3/2 distributor with one coil
- pressure reducer with manometer
- air pressure regulator knob
- manometer with actual pressure
- Mode switch (manual/automatic)
- Dosing time knob (adjustable from 0.1s to 4s)
- LED indicating dosage
- Quick-connect adapter for the syringe
- socket for connecting the control element (such as the micro switch on the syringe or a foot switch)
The optimal work pressure for the KOKI paste is about 3bar, optimal time 0.3s.
An important thing is to remember of a three-way valve so that in the idle state, the air could be easily dissipated.
In the automatic mode, the time of dosing is set with the potentiometer, and in the manual mode it depends on the time of the button pressed.
Link to film:
Link to original thread – Dyspenser - dozownik - pasty lutowniczej itp