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AVR controller timer basics

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Mar 23, 2011
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hi guys,
i m new to micro controller, so can anyone please explain me about the timer TCCR1A and TCCR1B please?

many thanks
akshay gadaria

Re: ARM controller basics

There too many ARM based mcu based on different cores and made by dozens of companies, which one are you referring to?

Re: ARM controller basics

Mention the family you are referring to. In general, the family reference manuals have a detailed explanation of such things.

Re: ARM controller basics

As Alex mentioned we would need the specific version of ARM you are referring to.

However, I should mention those register names usually refer to the AVR's Timer Counter Control Registers (TCCR1A and TCCR1B).

Are you sure you are referring to an ARM and not an AVR?

Re: ARM controller basics

hi i m referring to AVR and we are working on ATmega16..if u can help me to learn about the timer 0/1/2...that would be great....

thanks and regards
akshay gadaria

The datasheet covers it all... I'm not sure why you'd create a thread without consulting that first.

The datasheet covers it all... I'm not sure why you'd create a thread without consulting that first.

This is not entirely true, the datasheet gives explanation of specific registers but you have to read some kind of tutorial to understand the way to use each peripheral.

The datasheet covers it all...

While I agree datasheets are not referred to as often as they should.

If your premise were correct and a datasheet was all that was required, this forum would be a much lonelier place.

After all, I thought the basis for this forum was to seek guidance and advice. Am I wrong?

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well, i think datasheets work only as an information datadase for the begineers....i still need some guidelines as bigdogguru has said correctly...why there are 100s of forum...thanks for the tutorial guys ..i will refer to those and will let know if any questions...

well, i think datasheets work only as an information datadase for the begineers....

Actually I would say the opposite, the more experienced you become the more you refer to the datasheet.
It is where you have to look to retrieve specific info for available peripherals (you can't remember them all especially when working with different mcu families) and register names or specific bit functions and valid range of setting values etc.

Take a look here:
**broken link removed**
DN024 - Timer/Counter Basics :: AVR Freaks

I believe that the datasheet contains everything and has all you need. However, it is sometimes difficult to grab hold of the information as it may be unclear or difficult to grasp. eg. When I started learning PIC, I didn't get anything from the datasheet. But after learning PIC, when I started learning AVR, I understood everything from the datasheet and that was all I needed to get started with most of the basics.

Actually I would say the opposite, the more experienced you become the more you refer to the datasheet.
It is where you have to look to retrieve specific info for available peripherals (you can't remember them all especially when working with different mcu families) and register names or specific bit functions and valid range of setting values etc.
And, when you become more experienced, you can grasp the info more easily, even when learning something new.

Hope this helps.

---------- Post added at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:30 ----------

I'm not saying there was anything wrong with the PIC datasheet, it's just that I wasn't experienced enough or didn't have enough knowledge to understand what was written in the datasheet.
thanks Tahmid...this is really helpful ..thanks a lot..

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