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A portable Pegasus console

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Member level 2
Oct 20, 2009
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User michal_rybka decided to construct a portable Pegasus console. There were 2 versions to be chosen from:
1. something like a game boy
2. something like a mini-laptop
Finally, the second version was chosen.

The device was made of a broken portable "ferguson" dvd player that has a dvd/av switch and AV composite input because there was no Reed to cut the pathways and there was the certainty that there was no need to have the RGB signal, because the composite signal was enough.

The Pegasus part is, in principle, the standard “viscous” Pegasus console of the latest series, namely Pegasus - SP60. It has quite a efficient electronic appliances and consumes much less power.
After removing the glutinous plate from the SP60, the cartridge connector had to be turned 90 degrees so that the cartridge is on the side. It was necessary to solder the whole connector out, bend the legs by 80 degrees, solder them in, and lengthen those on the other side with pieces of wire and solder them in the appropriate points. Then, it was necessary to assemble this vision transistor to adjust the Pegasus input to the standard composite. There was even a room for this npn transistor and 220ohm resistor on this place, so they were soldered in there. After that, vision, sound and ground were connected to the output in the dvd player. Power supply was connected to the 7805 stabilizer that is mounted on this small copper metal sheet The stabilizer is directly powered by the main power supply of the dvd player.

The module with pad connectors comes from the Chinese version but the standard is the same. All Pegasus pads are the same although some of them sometimes have DB9 plugs and sometimes DB15 plugs. The plate is small and ideally suits to the whole. The plate was connected analogously to the original one.

Finally, all had to be fitted in the casing, appropriate holes for the card and pad connectors had to be cut out. The plates were attached using “a black lotion”, that is such a glue dissolved with a burner gun, in this particular case with a soldering iron.

The battery is adapted from another portable dvd player and has 4 big li-ion cells along with the charging electronics. A single cell has 7.2V.


Joypad connection diagram:

Link to original thread - Przenośny pegasus

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