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how to plot the waveforms of 4-PSK and 16-QAM with matlab??

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Passband Modulation

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Mar 24, 2011
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ive encountered such problem working out the waveforms of 4-PSK and 16-QAM with matlab. plz help!

The signal constellations of 4-PSK and 16-QAM are shown in Fig.3.1a and Fig3.1b, respectively.

The amplitude values { a(t), b(t) } are obtained by mapping the information bits into signal values. The mappings for 4-PSK and 16-QAM are shown in Fig.3.1 with the information bits next to the constellation point. The mappings are summarized in Table 3.1


Plot the waveforms of 4-PSK and 16-QAM for the bit sequence {0101000001100111} (i.e. a1b1a2b2a3b3..…, the first two dibits of 16QAM is 00 and 11) with c f =1000 Hz and bit rate of 0.5kbit/sec. The waveform is sampled at the rate of 10kHz.

yes, communications_engineer, but that, the plot of constellation is what the next question is asking as following, which i didnt post before:

"Generate a sequence of information bits with the length of 16,000. Plot the signal constellation for using 4-PSK for the sequence with the mapping defined in Table 3.1a. Repeat the plot for using 16-QAM for the same sequence with the mapping defined in Table 3.1b."

however, the first question is clearly asking me to "Plot the waveforms of 4-PSK and 16-QAM for the bit sequence {0101000001100111} (i.e. a1b1a2b2a3b3..…, the first two dibits of 16QAM is 00 and 11) with c f =1000 Hz and bit rate of 0.5kbit/sec. The waveform is sampled at the rate of 10kHz."
so do u mean constellation = waveform? just confused with these things....

and overall, there will be total 4 plots/graphs generated by matlab as told by my lecturer. so would you pls help work out the corresponding matlab codes?

hey did you get the matlab code of the problem you asked. actually i am also stucked in some what similar problem. if you could help me ?

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