Newbie level 5

can any one give me a code (asm or c) for a project that have
two 7segment display
four button control (up down mode and set)
have three modes
1-count down in hours(0-99hrs)
2-count down in minutes(0-99mins)
3-count down in seconds(0-99secs)
i will use this code in 89c2051 and 89c4051
can i use the same codes in both controllers
two 7segment display
four button control (up down mode and set)
have three modes
1-count down in hours(0-99hrs)
2-count down in minutes(0-99mins)
3-count down in seconds(0-99secs)
i will use this code in 89c2051 and 89c4051
can i use the same codes in both controllers