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need code for 89c2051 and 89c4051

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Dec 6, 2010
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can any one give me a code (asm or c) for a project that have

two 7segment display

four button control (up down mode and set)

have three modes
1-count down in hours(0-99hrs)
2-count down in minutes(0-99mins)
3-count down in seconds(0-99secs)

i will use this code in 89c2051 and 89c4051
can i use the same codes in both controllers

Timer 0 is used for 1 second timer delay. Code is written for a hardcode 10 minutes timer. plus this code referred code is for three seven segment display i only have two displays and referred project has only two buttons but i want one with four button and not to forget the three codes

can any one make changes to the referred code

can any one give me a code (asm or c) for a project that have

two 7segment display

four button control (up down mode and set)

have three modes
1-count down in hours(0-99hrs)
2-count down in minutes(0-99mins)
3-count down in seconds(0-99secs)

i will use this code in 89c2051 and 89c4051
can i use the same codes in both controllers
ok i send some thing i hope this will help u


    68.8 KB · Views: 176
dear arsalanghouri
try to make ur own code then if u get problem everyone here can help u
in this it will be easy for u to understand every thing
use timers for delay generation
generate a delay of 50ms count it for 20 times it means delay is 1 sec now can go furthermore to min and hours

can any one give me a code (asm or c) for a project that have

two 7segment display

four button control (up down mode and set)

have three modes
1-count down in hours(0-99hrs)
2-count down in minutes(0-99mins)
3-count down in seconds(0-99secs)

i will use this code in 89c2051 and 89c4051
can i use the same codes in both controllers
are you from india? similar project you can find in efy i don't know if i can post here!
didn't you follow arun 9988 code
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i am from pakistan what is efy you can email the link to it basically i have a working timer with all the features i mentioned above i want a code for it which suits the circuit i have the hardware and its working

this is only for guide and u can adopt some part of code
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