Newbie level 4

usb not recognized
Hi all, I am trying to interface my 18F4550 pic to the usb but I am getting "Usb not recognized" message
The connection scheme is equal to the help of the mikroC:
Notice: D- and D+ pins are wrong and I linked D- to RC4 and D+ to RC5.
The capacitor in series with the 8mhz oscillator are 22pF each
I am using the following flags in the project:
What may be wrong with my project?
Hi all, I am trying to interface my 18F4550 pic to the usb but I am getting "Usb not recognized" message
The connection scheme is equal to the help of the mikroC:

Notice: D- and D+ pins are wrong and I linked D- to RC4 and D+ to RC5.
The capacitor in series with the 8mhz oscillator are 22pF each
I am using the following flags in the project:
Value0=_PLLDIV_2_1L = $00F9 (pll divide by 2)
Value1=_CPUDIV_OSC1_PLL2_1L = $00E7 (cpudiv divide by 2, so cpu is at 48mhz)
Value2=_USBDIV_2_1L = $00FF (active, so usb is at 48mhz)
Value3=_FOSC_HS_1H = $00FC (hs active)
Value4=_FOSC_HSPLL_HS_1H = $00FE (hs active with pll)
Value5=_FCMEM_OFF_1H = $00BF
Value6=_IESO_OFF_1H = $007F
Value7=_PWRT_ON_2L = $00FE
Value8=_BOR_ON_2L = $00FF
Value9=_BORV_43_2L = $00EF
Value10=_VREGEN_ON_2L = $00FF
Value11=_WDT_OFF_2H = $00FE
Value12=_WDTPS_256_2H = $00F1
Value13=_MCLRE_ON_3H = $00FF
Value14=_LPT1OSC_OFF_3H = $00FB
Value15=_PBADEN_ON_3H = $00FF
Value16=_CCP2MX_ON_3H = $00FF
Value17=_STVREN_ON_4L = $00FF
Value18=_LVP_OFF_4L = $00FB
Value19=_XINST_OFF_4L = $00BF
Value20=_DEBUG_OFF_4L = $00FF
What may be wrong with my project?