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PIC 16F877 programmer needed...!!

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Mar 15, 2007
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Karachi, Pakistan
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pic16f877 programmer

hi can anyone plzz give me the working schematic of the PIC 16f877
programmer with the software...!!!!

thanx in advance..

pic 16f877 programmer

hussain_kiet said:
hi can anyone plzz give me the working schematic of the PIC 16f877
programmer with the software...!!!!

thanx in advance..

The Inchworm on my site is a 16F877 programmer, so is the Junebug. You can find the software there too.

PS in your 95 messages so far about 70 of them you've spelled the work PLZZ what does it mean?

pic16f877 programmer schematic

hussain_kiet said:
hi can anyone plzz give me the working schematic of the PIC 16f877
programmer with the software...!!!!

thanx in advance..


For helping you, i assume you're experimented user of some PIC programmers products or you build your own programmer.

My experience is with that programmer called "JDM".
1. Build the basic JDM Programmer.
2. Once you had build it, we gonna adapt it to a 40-pins PIC microcontroller, the 16f877. Take in mind this pins: MCLR, GND, RB6, AND RB7; but specially the "PGM" PIN, in the case of this pic is the RB3 PIN.... PUT THIS PIN TO GND. That's all
3. Install ic-prog, and try read/programming. Not additionally configuration is needed. I don't try using the Winpic800, please let me know if it works too.

Good Luck!

16f877 programmer

hussain_kiet said:
hi can anyone plzz give me the working schematic of the PIC 16f877
programmer with the software...!!!!

thanx in advance..

pic16f877 programmer software

search for the epic programmer on eda board.
i have build that and its working nice

pıc 16 f xxx

For PIC 16F87x or 87xA, easiest to build and very dependable choice even for people who do high end work P16PRO is a very good choice.

programator schema 16f877

This is very nice programmer I already tried it. I also included the software that you can use in programming your PICmicrocontroller.
Good Luck.

build your own programmer 16f877a

Hi, everybody.
I have been programming with 16f84 and 7406/pnp switch (Mr.D Tait 's Dos) programmer for a quite long time. Now I am planning to use some other 16fxxx pic. As with 16f84 programmer the same RB6 and RB7 + MCLR is being used in other pic also, the additional thing is the 'pgm' pin which is usually grounded. Means I can use the same programmer of 16f84 with other pic also . The only thing I will have to take into account is the pin count . 16f84=18 16fxxx=28/40/44.
The IC socket and wiring to the respective pin will have to changed. Am I right.
Please help !!!!!!!

how work the pic16f877

Hi Durgap,
You can use your programmer if you can make a socket, so that the new Pic you want to program, can get the connection of pins require for programming and also you have to have required software for programming the new Pic. Thanks.

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