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Why the isp software can't read the signature of the at89s52

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Aug 20, 2007
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serial isp by ulrich bangert

I want to know what causes the isp software can't read the segnature of the at89s52 board? Well sometimes the isp software can read the signature of the at89s52 board and sometimes not! What causes this problem..


heres the mcu board I use..

problem in isp.

maybe a faulty cable or loose connectors which are most common causes

Re: problem in isp.

i hv same problem,bt my board is a bit differnt.
may b for crystal oscilator,causes too noise when its on breadboard bt nt much in pcb board.

problem in isp.

Most probably a connection has been disrupted it could be in cable, in connector or in ISP board

Re: problem in isp.

when I assemble the circuit of the isp on the bread board, will it works?

problem in isp.

bread board! that explains a lot of things. Connections in bread board are not reliable at all.yes it will work if it is connected properly but there is a strong possibility that some connections are not ok. I recommend you to check all connections one by one using a multimeter according to datasheet most probably the problem will be resolved.

problem in isp.

it should work
try by using a good board (not very old one having loose connections)

Re: problem in isp.

what software are you using to program the microcontroller?
Is it parallel port based? If so, try these things:

1) try shortening the cable
2) make sure the clock on the device you are programming is above 4 MHz
3)If your interface is wired direct, try a buffered interface

Good Luck

Re: problem in isp.

Well, im using the isp software of ika logic made by Ibrahim Kamal. Yes it is parallel port based. :cry:


heres the isp softwere I use.

Re: problem in isp.

All of the parallel port ISP programmers are nothing but trouble! Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

You are far better off using a programmer equipped with a microcontroller that communicates serially to the PC.

Here is one I found that will program the 89S52:
**broken link removed**

I got FED UP with reliability of these programmers so I did this one:

source code is there also

Here is another one:

I am sure there are more.

I used the program you are using. The ONLY way I could get it to work was to build a circuit with a 74HCT244. It would never work without the "T" version.

I used my avr stk200 board, and replaced the 74HC244 with a 74HCT244. It works perfectly every time, but not on certain computers I own.
Good Luck

Re: problem in isp.

Will it also cause when I always plug in and plug out the isp programmer several times can cause the isp software can't read the signature of the at89s52?

Re: problem in isp.

The reliability is not very good on the parallel port programmers due to many reasons , one in particular is that every parallel port is different in every computer.

The length of the cable you are using can also have an effect on the performance as well.

I know that with the software you are referring to, if you unplug the programmer, you are bringing the microcontroller out of reset. You will need to press restart.

The software you are using will read the flash & signature bytes, but it will not write the chip (at least on a computer I have using windows XP, yet works ok on another PC running windows 98)
Loading & unloading the GIVEIO.sys drivers every time can also be troublesome.

The best way is to use a serial programmer that communicates with a master microcontroller, which in turn communicates with the device you are programming. This is by far the best and most reliable way for programming.

Good Luck

Re: problem in isp.

did you made this isp cable ?

Re: problem in isp.

Yeh. The db25 ISP cable, which I plug and unplug into the parallel port several times. And the last time I plugged the ISP programmer, It can't read the signature of the at89s52 anymore. I think my ISP programmer is unusable anymore. How can I fix this.:cry:

Re: problem in isp.

if there is any ttl buffer chip than use "LS" version.
and if possible use pullup resistor of 10k for each line ok.
and if possible make cable for yourself . do not use ready made cable , may happen that it has all 25 wires , use 10 , 9 way cable core ok.

and last check it first with diff pc around you with diff os , check the bios setting it should be "EPP" for LPT = 378h

problem in isp.

ronzam2002, there is no cosmic conspiracy against you. As I said and I want to repeat it most probably you have connection problem. check every single connection using an ohmmeter directly from mcu pin to the target pin. check all cables with ohmmeter and move them while you are measuring to make sure there is no broken connection that is sometimes ok and sometimes not. when you checked all (i mean it all) connections and measured all voltages and made 100%(99.9999999% is not ok) sure that all connections are ok. then check another MCU probably the previous has been damaged and again when you made 100% sure that there is nothing wrong with MCUs then and only then come here and cry and say my programmer is unusual.OK?

Re: problem in isp.


Normally with ISP and JTAG programmers when you get eratic results you have
noise on the clock line of the ISP programmer. Normally it helps putting n small ceramic capasitor (2.7pf to 10pf ) near the device you try to program on the TCK
line ( or whatever the clock signal is called ) to ground. If the results improve or the problem goes away it is normally induced noise , either bad layout of the ISP tracks , running near the oscillator or switchmode supply. It is always goog to give special attension to the track layout of ISP programmed devices.


Re: problem in isp.

fala said:
bread board! that explains a lot of things. Connections in bread board are not reliable at all.yes it will work if it is connected properly but there is a strong possibility that some connections are not ok. I recommend you to check all connections one by one using a multimeter according to datasheet most probably the problem will be resolved.

bread board! that explains NOTHING.

Check this picture
**broken link removed**

ISP, MAX232 & reset µC circuit in upper part of bread board
**broken link removed**

Dallas µC and connector for LCD & AT keyboard in lower part of bread board
**broken link removed**

Never encounter any problem :)

What I find strange in the circuit of the OP, is that there is nothing forseen to enter the ISP mode.
I don't know how it works on an at89s52 but on the Dallas you should drive some pins H or L to enter ISP mode. Selection is done with SW1 of dipswitch.

problem in isp.

obviously you don't have enough experience. Pictures you have posted proves it beyond any doubt. If you did not have encountered any problem it dose not mean that bread board connections are reliable.

Re: problem in isp.

ha! ha! ha! ...............................sorry

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