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24v to 3.3v
How to deal with 24v->3.3V LDO circuit?
Goal : input : +24V~~+30V
output: 3.3V , 80mA
I plan to use "LM317" .
If I input the 24V directly to LM317's input,
then the efficiency is too low ( efficiency = Vout/vin = 3.3/24 =13.75% ),
So I want to use a pre-regulator circuit , which as

May the circuit work well ?
And how to calculate the Value of R ??
How to deal with 24v->3.3V LDO circuit?
Goal : input : +24V~~+30V
output: 3.3V , 80mA
I plan to use "LM317" .
If I input the 24V directly to LM317's input,
then the efficiency is too low ( efficiency = Vout/vin = 3.3/24 =13.75% ),
So I want to use a pre-regulator circuit , which as

May the circuit work well ?
And how to calculate the Value of R ??