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USB PICKit2 programmer + my own board

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Jan 1, 2005
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pickit2 programmer


i've bought this USB PICKit2 Starter Kit:
**broken link removed**

and i have the demo board with PIC16F917 already solded to the board.

question is, can i program with this PICKit2 programmer PIC16F84? or any other PIC?

and where can i find schematic of board with PIC16F84 and also other PICs which can be connected to this USB PICKit2 programmer? If someone has such please show me, i'd appreciate it, thanks.

another question is i heard that if i experiment with oscillator ffrequency on my demo board with F917 chip (it has internal oscillator) my USB of programmer may be spoiled, and it wont see the chip... why is it so?

and if i connect another board with PIC16F84 to my PICKit2 programmer, i will also need to place CRYSTAL part there, cuz F84 has no oscillator, if i do it, my PICKit2 programmer wont be spoiled?

thanks, cya!

pic16f84 usb programmer

Go to Microchip and download and install the latest version of the PicKit2 software.
If you run the software and do Help, readme, you will find a list of the chips it supports. It does support the Pic16F84, allthough this chip is a little dated now and expensive, not recomended for new designs.

The pickit2 is a nice bit of kit and supports lots of pics. Even acts as a debugger for some of them!

You can experiment with the f917 oscillator frequency all you like, the pickit will be fine, the usb interface is in the pickit, not on the demo board.

The f84 does need an external xtal, as it has no internal oscillator, but again, that wont effect the pickit.

pickit2 board

thank u,
but where can i get schematic of board with say.. PIC16F877 which can be connected to my USB PICKit2 for programming?

if someone knows such schematic or have, please show it


Added after 23 minutes:

i found something, is the following the board for f877 for using with USB PICKit2??:

but look at this schematic... they have only 5 input pins "from programmer", and these are: Data, Clock, MCLR, VDD, GND

but my Pic16F917 demo board and PICKit2 programmer have 6 pins... so?

is one unused or?

usb pic16f84 programmer

Hello question again, how can i program PIC16F819 chip using same programmer? how to connect the USB pins to the chip? anyone knows the schematic?

pickit2 rapidshare

will anyone help me on how to connect PICKit2 pins to the PIC16F819 for programming?? thanks in advance!

pickit 2 schematic

hassan1980 said:
Would you please uplaod the schematic for PICKIT2?

PICKit2 Microcontroller Programmer User's Guide - Hardware schematic
**broken link removed**

Or PICKit2 clone:
**broken link removed**
pickit2 pins

OK i've found answer to my own question, it is quite easy. PIC16F819 must be connected to PICKit2 like that:

PICKit2 PIC16F819

1. ----|> -> MCLR
2. ------ -> VDD
3. ------ -> VSS
4. ------ -> RB7
5. ------ -> RB6
6. ------(may be ignored)
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